Tuesday, 26 May 2015

A Small Web of Lies

“I’ve painted a picture for all to see
It’s true to them but not to me
I paint with deceit
But my heart seldom cries
My own self defeat
From my small
web of lies”

I only feel like myself when I am alone, because only I know who I am and only I know what I think. I only feel like myself when no one is telling me about myself; who I should be, what I should’ve done, how I should progress. I only feel like myself when I escape from the world, because this world doesn’t know me. This world only knows what I want it to. Because there are some things I don’t say, some things I don’t dare let out.
My thoughts are kept to myself. My mind is withdrawn from the world. Because only I will understand and not confuse by my thoughts and my being. No one has to know. Invisible. Blind.

Disclaimer - Please note that this is fictional, it is just a little something I wrote a short while back. xx
Useful links - 
Other Blog - Paint The Roses Red

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Sunday, 10 May 2015

I remember the books I used to read

I love books; I always have.
A short time ago, I was clearing out some old boxes, when I came across a selection of the books that I read and fell in love with as a child. As I am now much older, I feel comfortable with sending them on, whether that be to a relative or a good ol' charity shop. Any who, before I send these books on their way, I thought I would snap a few photos and tell you what they meant to me when I was younger.
So be prepared for a nostalgic trip into my literary past!

This was the first book I could recite. I still know all the words to this day!
This was the book, that made me fall in love with books.
This was, and still is, my all time favourite book (along with Through The Looking Glass, of course!)
This book taught me the word 'utterly' 
This was the first book I never finished but absolutely loved
This was the first book I read all by myself without any help! At the ripe old age of 5
This book gave me my passion for writing
This book gave me most of the confidence that I still have to this day
This was the first book to make me cry 
Useful links - 
Other Blog - Paint The Roses Red

Where to fine me - 
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